Saturday, January 15, 2011

2011 so far: seminars, online shopping, and guests!

We are settling into 2011 well, with Joe getting back into the swing of school, Nica being busy with her work, as well as beginning to prepare for the changes (baby! yay!) that 2011 will bring us!

The past two Saturdays, we have been going through the 2010 Global Leadership Summit DVD series with several of our friends! Everyone comes over to our place and we go through the sessions, taking time for discussions afteward. Joe & I have really enjoyed doing this with them: a good way to begin a New Year in discussing our goals personally, in our marriage, ministries, and work. Last year was the first year that GLS came to Shanghai, and we have really enjoyed the speakers, finding each session to really relate to our marriage, ministries, and work!

On a baby note, we are starting to research baby gear!!! While Nica peruses the baby secion of the classified section of looking for people who are moving away from Shanghai and want to get rid of bunch of their stuff fast for good prices, Joe is practicing his Chinese reading skills and searching, which (as a friend put it!) is like e-bay on steroids. haha, anything and everything can be bought on Taobao and for amazinly low prices, and all delivered within 1-2 days to the door! So easy, fast, and cost-effective: an online shoppers dream come true: if you can read Chinese. Which Joe can! My husband never ceases to amaze me. :)

Here is an example of a crib we were looking at. Joe reads the details for me, I sit in awe by him and look at the pictures, and we shop together! So fun!

So, the days have begun when we're realizing how much STUFF a baby needs, or the parents need to make caring for baby easier! (ie: do we need a crib AND cradle AND baby seat AND playpen AND bouncer AND carrier AND an umbrella stroller AND a bigger stroller--all of which simply holds the baby??? How much extra space do we actually have in our apartment??? haha...we're having fun researching and discussing.

We haven't seen them since their wedding in October, so we are SUPER thrilled to have them here to visit us!!! Maria has been to Shanghai before, but this will be Ray's first time, so we'll have fun showing him around, wowing them with great food and our Martin hospitality!! They arrive on Thursday! YIPPEE!!! More posts on our time with them, soon!
Okay, time to do some dishes and get ready for church. Last week I led worship (had a great team of keys, drums, electric and acoustic guitar, sax, trumpet & three back up singers! what a privilege to sing and worship with such a talented team!) but I love being beside Joey as we worship together more than anything. Sunday afternoons (when our church services are held at) can't come fast enough!

Love you all!


  1. BTW, I decided that all we need is a stroller that has the option to recline fully. It can serve as a cradle to rock the baby, bounce the baby, put the baby to sleep in, and use as transportation! Perfect! -N

  2. great post! and as far as baby stuff goes... in the end the baby mostly likes to be held!:)

    have a FUN time with Maria and Ray. trying NOT to be too jealous!:)
