Monday, November 29, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We were SO HAPPY to be able to host TWO thanksgiving dinners in our home this week!
We had a group of 10 people (our Alpha group) in on Thursday night, and then a group of 25 people (our cell group) in on Friday night! So, we were busy cooking and preparing food for a croud!! It was worth it, and a lot of fun celebrating a traditonal American Thanksgiving with friends from all over the world!

Thanks Janelle & RJ for your help in the kitchen!! :D

Here are some photos from our Alpha Group on Thursday night!! We love you guys!!

And here are glimpses of festivities from our cell group over on Friday night. I was a little more busy (and tired!) on Friday night, so didn't get as many photos of this night. I'll upload more as people pass on additional photos to me!

We had a HUGE SUPRISE when a GIANT PANDA showed up for dinner!!!'re hilarious!!! :D Here's Dee getting some panda love... :D

And Nica's turn for panda hugs from Geoff!

Friends enjoying food!

Nica wanted to try on the panda head, too! Dancing to the music.

Joe & Nica welcoming Panda to Thanksgiving!!
Thanks, everyone, our Shanghai Family, for coming over and making great memories with us!
Happy Thanksgiving!

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