Saturday, May 17, 2014

Our family escape. May 13-15

We've been busy lately. I haven't been blogging much the past month, Joe has been busy with his studies as he wraps up his M.Div course for his personal studies, as well as finishing out teaching his portion of the Minor Prophets class he's been teaching at the Bible College. And I've been a little busy, too, with work and just life. In April was Khmer New Year, which was a week long of holidays for the country! We didn't go anywhere, though, since Joe was studying, I was working, and we felt we needed to just focus on finishing out our responsibilities here well before we head back to North America in a few weeks.

However. :) 
Joe decided that maybe a little family vacation would be good for us so we can just focus on our own family before visiting with everyone else all summer. Since Tues-Thurs was a Khmer holiday here (the late King Father's birthday!), we hopped on a bus and escaped to our favorite beach! Yes, I still had to work and Joe still had to study, but how special to be able to do it from such a beautiful setting! I feel so refreshed, sun-kissed, and connected as a family, getting ready for our next BIG trip to come back to see YOU! Four weeks from now we'll be in the air! Amazing.

I snapped this photo while Joey was studying, and I was rocking a baby on either side of me sleeping/resting in hammocks. I wish I could post the smell of the beautiful sea breeze for you to enjoy, too. It was one of those moments I just want to re-live again and again.

Enjoying some lunch on the beach

Bria and I and Wes in front of our bungalow

The kids love hammocks!


I bought a little bracelet for Bria from a girl selling them on the beach
 Why did you put this on me, Mommy?

Yes, Bria and I also got pedicures on the beach (matching polish!)
She was sleeping. She woke up with pink toenails. haha

Wes always loves his swing rides!

And Bria and I made a little "sandless" play area for her to hopefully limit the amount of sand she consumes! 

Have I ever told you how flexible our daughter is?
It's crazy. Is this normal?


HUGE burgers!

Wes loves to play pool! He'll line all the balls up in a row (1-10) but he also had SO much fun rolling them around on the table trying to knock them into the pockets. Great entertainment! 

My little beach bum

Brother/Sister love

Sea breezes with daddy

I remember when we took photos together all the time! Now all we have time for is a selfie. :)

 SO thankful for this little escape.
The next big trip will have a lot more stress involved. I'll revel in this while I can. :)  

Love you all!

 Joe, Nica, Wes, & Bria

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