Thursday, January 9, 2014

Our merry little Christmas -- part 2/3: Mui Ne

You'll see a lot of bus photos in these posts, because we were on the bus. A lot. 
However, the kids did SO great! As we bussed around Vietnam we took advantage of their sleeper busses. On our way to Mui Ne we had the 3 seats in a row at the back. When reclined it was like a big bed that we all shared! A little low ceiling, though, but plenty of space for us to stretch out and play or sleep!

When we arrived at our hotel, we needed some refreshing drinks before we setting out to explore. It was nice to have a hotel that had a restaurant AND was close to the beach! We wanted a place that was both affordable and nice enough for us to enjoy spending our Christmas. It was perfect!

The view from our balcony.

Venturing out to explore some authentic Vietnamese cuisine! YUM!!!

We also took a big trip when Wesley was 5 months old (out to XiÁn, China) at which time he also used this baby carrier for the first time! So I had to take some similar photos! :D


A Wesley flashback! 

(okay, back to 2013! haha)
Briana's bath in the sink! :)

Christmas Eve explorations

We liked the natural feel of this beach, the local families and fishermen, and the many pretty seashells we could collect!

Wes played with a local boy whose family lived in a little shack on the beach, making their living catching and selling fish.

We also enjoyed our hotel pool!

We always have to make room in our schedule for nap times!


We started the day by being surprised by receiving a gift at our door from our hotel! (or maybe Santa found us here???) Wes was so excited to open a present, and Joey and I were excited to now be the proud owners of two Vietnamese coffee makers!

We then had "our" jeep come pick us up and we trekked off for some real adventure!
(Honestly, I think this was Wes' favorite part of our entire trip!)


We stopped to admire the beauty of the local fishing boats

We snapped some photos as we drove of the GORGEOUS and unique terrain...

And then we stopped to explore the sand dunes...which was more like I'd imagine a desert to look like vs. sand dunes. It was SO amazing! We were glad we'd gone in the morning, otherwise it'd have been SO hot...especially walking around on all the powdery sand barefoot! 
Wes was not impressed, but Joe and I had fun! ;)

We stayed out as long as our little children would allow us...and then rewarded Wes with icecream! He must wonder what kind of crazy parents he has that would bring him out to see nothing but sand! He wanted to get back to the jeep! :D

Mommy & Briana enjoying the shade

YAY! We get to go in the jeep again!!! :D

As happy as he was to be back in the jeep, Wes passed out.
He didn't get to see the ostriches!

We also stopped to see a famous stream called the "Fairy Stream" that is supposed to be very romantic and poetic. It was pretty, and the entire stream consists of water gently flowing over really soft sand, so it's so nice to walk through! And yes, even with 2 kids along, it was still romantic! :)

We also stopped at some more sand dunes! These ones were red!
We didn't hike around these as much, though, since the kids were sleeping. 
Many tourists rent crazy carpets and sled down the dunes! Maybe we'll do that next time! :)

After saying goodbye to our Jeep, since the kids had already had their naps for the day while we were enroute, we cooled off in our hotel pool.

And we finished Christmas Day off with a sunset stroll down the beach.

Christmas 2013, you are one we will never forget!!

On Boxing Day we were off to Nha Trang!

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