Wednesday, November 24, 2010


That's right!!! I've been on pins and needles waiting for the doctor's appointment we had this week. Remember sitting on the edge of the couch while watching Canadian Idol and just waiting for Ben Mulroney to shout out, "Kalan Porter" or "Theresa Sokaryka"!!!! Yep, that's how I've been feeling. It's going to be one or the other--pink or blue--and the world as we know it will never be the same!

Well, the doctor didn't exactly yell out "Kalan" but, we found out what we were waiting for!! We're going to have a BOY!!!
I would have been happy either way, girl or boy, but now knowing we're going to have a son makes everything seem real! I can now talk to my son throughout the day! My son. I can't say that without tearing up. I have a son!
Don't start asking us about names yet...there are a few babies to be born in the family before our son is born, so we'll wait to see what names are chosen before we make any firm decisions.
My doctor has bumped my due date up by a week! So, instead of 17 weeks, I'm now at 18!! Yay!! She now anticipates our due date to be April 29 or 30, 2011. Our son is always bigger and more devloped than the week they had me pegged at! SO...maybe mommy won't have to wait quite so long to meet her son! (Although spring is still soooo far away...) :D
He's also very laid back, so not a lot of action for me to feel yet. Sometimes I think I feel something...but then I think it was probably just digestion. haha. I'm sure that'll change soon.
Here is an updated belly photo for those of you who have missed seeing me... (auntie!! :D)
>>pause for quick photo shoot<<

Love you all!
Yes, for those of you who recognize it, this is the dress I bought several years ago because I loved it and it was SUCH a good price!!! However, I never liked the way it fit--too much fabric in the waist. I always thought MAYBE it'll fit me know...there are two of us to fit in it?
I was right! I love this dress now!! :)


  1. Cutest pregnant mommy EVER!! :D
    LOVE the dress sis!
    wow... a son. and I have another nephew!! AAH SO excited!
    totally worth losing sleep over the other night. :)

  2. Yae for baby boys! You look *amazing* and we can't wait to meet baby boy Martin!
