Here is Nica at 38 weeks...
...and at 39 weeks...
and look at us here! 40 weeks!! We made it!! But alas, no baby yet!
Nica's getting tired of trips to the doctor and only seeing baby on screen. What used to bring so much joy, is now replaced with..."hurry up! we want to see you for REAL!!" Nica's never been very good at waiting for something she's excited about.
Actually, Nica has been plagued with visions of becoming the fat man on Monty Python who just keeps getting fatter and fatter and eventually basically explodes, sliming everyone in his way. How can I get this baby out before that happens??? :(
On a serious note, lets all pray for Danny. Thursday night he was rushed to hospital, he had emergency surgery, and although the Lord answered prayers and the surgery went well without the complications that we thought possible, he will be recovering and closely monitored the remainder of this week. I have yet to know if this will affect mom's trip to Shanghai. She was scheduled to fly out Wednesday. I feel at peace with it. Danny is so precious and so brave, let's all pray together that his recovery process is fast and thorough.
I'll keep you all posted with updates about mom's trip and baby's arrival as I know! Joey is an amazing support through each stage of this process. I wouldn't be able to get through all this without him!! Thanks for your prayers,