So, for those of you who haven't heard, Joe is now the proud driver of a shiny, full-sized van filled with teenagers! Lucky guy! He is on a university tour with 25 Chinese students from his school who are working towards attending a university in the US after their highschool graduation.

Feb 7: A/J -- Atlanta, GA
Feb 8: B -- University of GA
C-- Clemson University
Feb 9: D-- Furman University
Feb 10: E--University of NC
Feb 11: F--Duke University
G--Wake Forest University
Feb 12-13 H--weekend activities
Feb 14: I --Savannah College of Art & Design
--Armstrong Atlantic State University
Feb 15: J/A --Kennesaw University (back in Atlanta)
Joey can then go to visit his family for a few days in PA before flying home to Shanghai to ME!!
Thaks for praying with me for safety as he drives!
Here is a pic of Joe with some of his collegues, and a friend, Jessica, who was a good friend of ours in Shanghai but now lives in Greenville! She arranged for the entire crew to experience some real American cuisine at Sticky Fingrs Smokehouse on Tuesday!

So, what am I doing these days? Other than sitting around getting bigger (and still working, of course!), I have been searching for just the RIGHT stroller! We originally thought I could order one in the US and have it shipped to Mom & Dad Martin's for Joe to bring back; however, the perfect stroller did not exist in the US. I found ones I liked in Europe and China, though!
Call me new-mommy-zilla, but this was a big decision for me! We do a lot of walking here! So it had to be one that reclines fully (to help with diaper changes), and has cup holders, and light enough to carry, but durable enough for the rough terrain and dragging up and down stairs, and compact enough to collapse easily to throw into a taxi, AND good storage space for when I carry groceies home, AND can weave easily through crowds, AND looks good, AND affordable (so many strollers are ridiculously priced in my opinion!).
The result? Check it out!

I also like this feature to have baby face me:

Until baby grows a little bigger, we got this car seat so he can stay asleep longer (I got it in red)
And as bonus features: it comes with a rain guard, a mosquite net, and a flashing light so drivers around us can see us coming! (I didn't get the sleeping bag pictured far left). And, if anything breaks, they'll send replacement parts or repair it free for up to 3 years!

So, the stroller is being shipped to my home as I type! If, for some reason, it's not as good as it sounds, I'll return it and Joe can still pick one up while he's in the US.
There's the update! Love you all!!