Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Introducing Baby Martin!!

Well, we have some news. >grin<

Here is a new mommy trying to wear her own clothes as long as possible...with a growing belly!!

We went to the doctor today (yes, we finally decided on the hospital: American Sino comes highly recommended from friends here in Shanghai) and we were delighted to "meet" our little almost 13-week-old!

I love this first picture: not as clear in this photo, but we can see quite detailed facial features!! How beautiful!!

The second image is of the entire body, with Baby politely hiding any clue of gender. hehe
Still a little early to tell, anyway. Maybe my next appointment in 4 weeks!! We'll see! :)

Here are some closer shots...not quite as clear, though:

Joe is doing great at taking care of me (he cleaned out the fridge yesterday for me because every time I opened it sent me into a gagging spell...thank you over sense of smell!) Thankfully the nauseous feelings have been mostly gone for about a week now, so hopefully will stay that way!

We are so happy! May 4th is our due date...so stay tuned for more info as we begin this exciting journey of parenthood!!

Nica (& Joe)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pre-Christmas Spirit!

Yesterday I woke up with "Simply having a wonderful Christmastime..." going through my head and proceeded to sing it continually. (poor Joe!!)

Although, I am now informed that I am supposed to wait to sing Christmas songs until AFTER the American Thanksgiving! And that's still weeks away! (six, actually! How can I wait that long??)

So, thinking joining the Christmas Choir at church would help my problem, I hopped in on a practice yesterday after church. I promptly changed my mind when I heard the song selections.

The answer?

The Messiah. On repeat. Yep! (While Joe's at work, of course. haha)

Let's celebrate!! For un-to us a child is booooooo-ooooooo-ooooorn!

Nica :)

Pennsylvania Adventures

After Ray and Maria's wedding, Nica and I spent a week in Pennsylvania with the Martin family.

at the capitol building in Harrisburg

Uncle Andy and his nephew Jason

Andy's birthday present . . . "Go Steelers!!!"


Nica at the town square in Manheim

The Martins braving the cool and rainy weather to watch the parade

Some hot chocolate and hot apple cider to warm us up!

Nica + hot beverages = happy Nica!

the parade

marching bands

FOOD @ the farm show

Nica imagining all the pumpkin pie that she could make from this pumpkin

Tim, Nica, and Amanda

Apple dumplings!

Cider and Root Beer Floats

FAMILY FUN NIGHT @ the farm show

Andy participated in the barnyard obstacle course

Andy won 2nd place!

face painting . . .

Chris and Danny participated in the waterballoon toss

Tim and I also participated in the egg toss

Chris and Niki

at the covered bridge . . .

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ray and Maria's Wedding

On October 1st we attended Ray and Maria's wedding.
Here are some photos from their beautiful wedding.

Congrats to Ray and Maria!!!
Thanks for making it possible for us to be there!!


Jonathan and Annette's Wedding

We are SO happy to celebrate this day!!! Here is J&A greeting their guests as they arrive! It was a fall day, cool, crisp, a little bit of drizzle, but certainly not enough to dampen anyone's spirits

Their wedding perfectly reflected who they are, their story, their passion for life, love for their King, and their commitment ultimately to Him.

They shared their story with us through a drama they wrote in the form of a fairytale. It had everyone moved to tears . . .

The wedding cake . . .

A few of the beautiful maidens (bridesmaids)

Jonathan built the amphitheater for their wedding. It was amazing!!!

Instead of the traditional unity candle, the mothers selected other

ways of signifying the leaving of two families and becoming one:

Mom and Dad shot an arrow...Annette's parents released a bird. So meaningful!
